Stretch hood with recyclate from household collections
Successful project sets new milestones in the circular plastics economy
DUO PLAST, Nestlé and Der Grüne Punkt team up to develop sustainable stretch hoods with recyclate from household collections
We are pleased to present an important project at DUO PLAST in recent months. In collaboration with Nestlé Germany and Dem Grünen Punkt, we have developed stretch hoods that contain up to 20 % recycled material from the Yellow Bag in the middle layer.
“This is the first time that post-consumer recyclates (PCR) from household collection have been used in such a sophisticated product.” Stretch hoods are crucial for protecting the products from external influences (such as the weather or transportation stresses).
It is particularly important to emphasize that the stretch hoods have very good technical properties despite the use of recyclates from the household collection and that even challenging packaged goods, such as bucket goods or bagged goods, can be processed without any problems.
Many thanks to our partners and the responsible project team!
This collaboration brings us a big step closer to a circular economy for plastics.