Horticulture Day on June 17, 2025

Information event for the international horticulture industry

Welcome to Horticulture Day 2025

This is what you can expect on Horticulture Day 2025:

Experience an exciting day dedicated to innovations and sustainable solutions for horticulture. Get exclusive insights into the products and technologies of DUO PLAST AG, learn about our commitment to sustainability and network with industry.

Join us for a day full of insights, demonstrations and networking at DUO PLAST AG.

All highlights summarized:

Spannende Produktvorführung
product presentation
Exklusive Betriebsführung
company tour


Why should you participate?

Horticulture Day 2025 is the perfect opportunity for industry experts to learn about innovative packaging solutions for the horticulture sector.

Find out how DUO PLAST reduces the carbon footprint, develops environmentally friendly packaging and contributes to a circular economy.
Discover practical insights and see our products live in action.

To sum up, we will be presenting you with:

Folien mit Post-Consumer-Rezyklat

Innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for the horticulture industry

Ökologischer Fußabdruck

Measures to reduce your carbon footprint and ways to promote a circular economy

Horizontal Impact

Live demonstrations and practical insights to ensure an active exchange

Meet our experts and benefit from their specialist knowledge about horticulture and beyond:

German Packaging Award
See our latest product innovation for yourself


With our innovative CO₂ tool, we can calculate your personal CO₂ balance and determine your savings potential. Furthermore, we check which sustainable film is best suited to your packaging requirements: film in a material thickness that conserves resources, with or without recyclates.

Register now by 04/28/2025:

Detailed information on how we process the personal data collected here can be found in our privacy policy.
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